Hands-On Intensives

Deepen Knowledge & Refine Skills

In our 1- and 2-day Intermediate Intensives, you’ll deepen your knowledge and refine the hands-on skills you learned in your 4-day Introductory Seminar. At the Intermediate level, you get to learn a variety of topics germane to deepening your mastery of key Shen-Hammer Pulse Diagnosis concepts and skills. You’ll be exposed to both didactic and hands-on learning opportunities, and we’ll focus on refining your skills in key areas like palpation, pulse record interpretation, and treatment planning. Additionally, you’ll have the special opportunity to learn as part of a group of students who have dedicated themselves to deeper study within the Shen-Hammer Pulse Diagnosis lineage.

Course Objectives

Course objectives vary by seminar, but include the following:

  • Refining your palpation of pulse positions and qualities

  • Calibration to the nine depths of the pulse

  • Honing your identification of qualities, co-occurring qualities, and waveforms

  • Mentoring you in more comprehensive interpretation of patients’ pulse records

  • Walking you through short-term, mid-range, and long-term treatment planning

Curriculum and Materials Provided

Our Intermediate Intensives are primarily hands-on and follow a similar format to our Intromediate Seminars with the difference that you can opt to complete our own pulse records on your patient volunteers before or during the beginning of the seminar and review them 1-on-1 with a Certified Instructor. Depending on the interest of your group and our planned offerings, we’ll either start the day seeing patients or focus on particular hands-on skills that your cohort would like to refine. However, we’ll always make space for you to see patient volunteers, and we end the day with succinct interpretations of patient cases and a question and answer session.

When you sign up for an Intermediate Intensive, we’ll send you a video introduction to the potential topics we’ll be covering, and we’ll also send you a poll to inquire into which of these topics you’d like to focus your time on during the seminar. (At this point in your pulse learning journey, we get the honor of collaborating more and more with your own wisdom regarding your learning!) Once we hear back from everyone in the course, we’ll also send you relevant course materials such as intake forms, pulse records, reference materials, and/or articles that introduce you to the didactic material we’ll be covering in the seminar.

Course Prerequisites

Intermediate Intensives are appropriate for practitioner-folk who haven taken at least one Comprehensive Introductory Seminar with any Certified Instructor of Shen-Hammer Pulse Diagnosis. This course is for you if you want to study the pulse among peers who have dedicated themselves to deeper learning in the Shen-Hammer lineage.