
Acupunture with Dragon Rises Portland

For millennia, Acupuncture has been helping patients overcome both physical and emotional stress and pain. Acupuncture can support a path toward healing and increase your vitality, decrease your pain, and help you find a sense of balance in your body, mind, and spirit.

Time-Tested Results

According to classical acupuncture theory, your body is made up of a vast watershed, a system of interconnected channels that have one job: to keep you healthy and living your best life. When these channels are clear, they keep disease away from your internal organs - from things that are a literal pain in the neck to other physical and mental aches and pains for which Western medicine doesn’t seem to have any answers.

When flowing properly, the channels are wellsprings of vibrant health. When they dry up, become swampy, or flow improperly, your body begins to feel different, under pressure, like something is not right. We look at symptoms as messages:  People often think there is something wrong with them, but in fact, these symptoms are nothing more than messages from the body that tell us to work with specific channels. Since these messages are the harbingers of greater disease and bodily dysfunction, you’ll often feel better immediately when we help to create flow where once your body was stuck.

We are currently in network with BCBS, Moda, Pacific Source, Providence, Triwest and United Healthcare

Aetna, Cigna, Health Net, Kaiser, Medicare, and Oregon Health Plan currently do not cover our services. Acupuncture patients who hold these plans are often welcome to pay our time-of-service rates instead.